
Feedback… says these changes have been good for our Fair.

That of course is the whole purpose!

A Peek Inside… during the coming year, more changes will come. We want you to be able to take a peek inside to enjoy all of them along with us, while enjoying getting to know the people who have built this Fair.

Family… we hope to make more experiences and insights available for fans of our long-running Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair. Many of you know, you are not just fans, but family.

Whatever your connection… whether you are participating now or have in the past; from near or far; or you used to come, but no longer can; or even if you want to come, but haven’t had the experience yet, we know you are special by the connection you have with this event, made what it is by those who have shaped it over the years.

History… the history of this fair goes back into the 70’s when some of us were just kids. The Reagan family, who first started the Fair, brought about the original concept we still follow today. Tracey and Sam Large transformed this concept to a must-see event. The original facility is gone, but the current Gatlinburg Convention Center stands on its grounds.

The center even incorporates a hall as an ode to the former Mills Auditorium where this Fair began. We have a craftsman or two who were here from the start (more on this history, later), as well as many of our employees–family as well.

(The photo here was found recently at the current convention center by Debbie Orsburn and shared with us. We think by the date on the banner that it is from 1981).

Honor… we are honored to be a part of this beloved tradition in Gatlinburg.

What’s the same… despite many of the changes , one thing remains the same–this Fair remains an experience for you and your family to enjoy together in appreciation of the skilled arts and crafts of those able to share their unique, handmade creations with you.

We hope to see you very soon!

With Our Sincere Friendship and Dedication,

Jeff & Kelly Rusk

Current owners, promoters, and caretakers of the Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair

You may contact us: call: 865-436-7479; email: [email protected]; on Facebook and Messenger @GatlinburgCraftsmenFair; on Instagram: gcfinthesmokies; and look for us on YouTube: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair.